Saturday, May 14, 2011

Transitory Tourist

For those of you that know me well, you know that I do not wake up easily in the morning. To say this would be an understatement of the century. I really don’t wake up easily in the afternoon either. However, when there is something big happening in the coming day, I usually pop out of bed. Yesterday morning that was definitely the case. I woke up, drove with Carey to the airport, waved generiously goodbye to my #1 supporter and passed through the security screening. Bam! The adventure had begun. I boarded my flight to LAX, which to no one’s surprise I slept the entire four hours. After walking about half a mile to the international terminal in the beautiful California weather, I was in the mecca of true travelers—those I have come to admire in my short travel life. These people travel for business, pleasure, family—you name it, they fly. 13 hour trip? No problem. They bring their infants, their grandmothers, and they do it in style. I, on the other hand, had to throw out a water bottle that I paid $4.50 for—Carey don’t shun me. I had to get a pat down because I wore baggy pants through security. I also bought a crazy expensive salad that will remain priceless. Needless to say, I am no veteran. When I was about to board my flight to Seoul, I began to get pretty nervous and sentimental about leaving home and my friends. I was scared that all this training in how to interact with different cultures would fail me as I began to get a taste of what it is like to be a minority. After getting encouragement from Sarah Chae and Carey, I was still teary. So, for maybe the third time in a long semester, I desperately needed to open my Bible and begin reading its truth. Gosh, I needed it so much. I needed to hear about God’s command for me to be strong and not have a spirit of fear but one that reveals the love and Spirit that I have been given for life. God is good and he was sitting beside me in that terminal. Boarding my first 747 ever was epic! If you didn’t know, I love airports and hotels. This plane was phenomenal. I am easily wowed you could say. I passed the stairwell that led to first class heaven and found my window seat in row 33. I sat next to two college-aged guys named T and Chris. They helped me get through the Korean meals and showed me how to interact with the stewardesses. The guy in front of me was on his way to Phnom Penh to do the exact same thing I am. He is the financial advisor for Somaly Mam, an organization that works to stop sex trafficking for women and children in Cambodia. Maybe Katie, you will work with them?? Wr
(writing now on May 14)
 I boarded my last flight to Bangkok. It was really hilarious. When I showed up at the gate there were over 80 girls around the age of early college dressed like stewardesses. They were all Korean and snapping pictures in their powder blue blazers and skirts. I had no idea what they were there for, but I ended up sitting next to one of them named Diana. She told me that they attend a flight attendant school in Korea and were flying to Bangkok for a 5-day training trip. They actually got to serve different parts of the meals! 
When I finally landed in Thailand, I felt a lurch in my heart. I knew this was a place that would be special. The airport was huge and I slowly made my way through immigration, customs, and grabbed my bags. Cori, one of my supervisors, and Jup, another Thai supervisor, were waiting for me! After a 30 minute taxi (one of the many forms of public transport we take here) ride, we were home. I have my own room and bathroom to myself as of right now. When the other two girls from Asbury get here--we will share. It is a nice room--large--with a big bed and WiFi. I also have the only hot water heater and flush toilet in the house. I am sooo spoiled. After some tears from missing home, I climbed into bed and tried to sleep. Surprisingly, I had no trouble--even though my room is above 80 degrees easy. 
TODAY-my first day in Thailand. I was the ultimate tourist. hands down. here is a quick list of all the things I did today:
1. woke up at 8 am...just because my body is weirded out by this new place and barking dogs at dawn
2. met Hanna--my British housemate
3. left for tourist day
4. boarded a songtam..spelling?...basically a pick-up truck converted into a taxi thing with benches and railings on the back
5. boarded the epic sky train
6. boarded the water taxi
7. saw where the rest of the tourists make their home in deluxe hotels and posh shopping malls along the water

8. bought fried plantains, pad sui..spelling?...a noodle dish, mango sticky rice, and other delicious fruits/treats
9. Boarded a tuk tuk (another smaller taxi type vehicle) and visited the Sleeping Buddha of many huge Buddhist temples in Bangkok an hour THAI MASSAGE for $3...amazing!
11. went grocery shopping
12. rented Bridget Jones' Diary
13. about to make dinner and watch the movie
14. BED!!! finally. jet lag...i beat you. hopefully, the true test is apparently tomorrow.
i love you all! more about my feelings and such later...haha


  1. Incredible!! Enjoyed your story and all the pictures! So excited for you!! Love you!!

  2. Can you believe that you're really in Thailand???
    The photos are incredible. For a hungover student you certainly pushed yourself the first day. Could you have scheduled any more activities to see or do??? Yea SUMMER!!!! Pop Pop says you're traveling like a professional. You are doing 100 percent better than he thought you would. Hang in there and be tough!! Remember you've have the Holeman and Tudor blood coursing through your veins!!! You're TOPS!!!
    You must feel like you are Alice in Wonderland as you look around the city. You're going to have the most exciting trip you have ever made in your lifetime. We love you and continue our prayers for you and all your group.


  3. Yay!!!! So glad you've already seen so much! Miss and loveeee you :)
