Thursday, December 12, 2013

Headlines and Holidays

Merry Christmas Y'all!!

I can't believe it's that time of the year again and that 2013 is almost over. There is something magical about the world setting a stage decorated with lights, singing, and good food, that we get to bring the news of the Living King out onto. It's a grand production and I love this time of year!

As the busy season begins in two days, guests of the Juniper Tree have been e-mailing a lot about the protesting that is happening in Bangkok, wondering if their families should still come to spend their holiday breaks here. At first, I thought it was really silly of these people to be making a big fuss over people standing in a street blowing whistles almost 250 kilometers from where they will be staying, but then I thought about where they are getting their intel. Most people get their news from online sources such as Twitter or CNN or maybe even their local TV station. I, too, have been following these sources and have thought the protesting has been interesting, but in no way have I felt even close to being in danger. (I have heard too many stories about friends living in other parts of the world where their lives are in danger all the time to worry about my safety in an event happening so far from where I am. I'm not saying this time in Thai politics is not important and that the government does not need a total overhaul of its policies and alliances, and maybe these protests and new election will bring some real change to Thailand, but the gravity of the situation is not at the point where we need to be worried about being in danger driving in/out of Bangkok. Back to the news...) My reasoning for not worrying about these protests is because I have more accurate news sources--friends on the ground in Bangkok, locals who have lived here their entire lives spanning multiple government leaders, and knowledge about Thai politics that your average CNN reader would not. So, to judge these worried families on the basis of their reading the international headlines was wrong, and my replies to them have been filled with much grace and soothing language.

Thinking deeper about my interaction with these guests, I began asking myself if I do not believe more headlines than I should. Spending even an hour perusing the news and socialite sources on the internet will not do good for one's self-esteem, thought life, and hope for the future. I can say that I have been guilty of believing the headlines instead of the One who not only has the more accurate sources, but IS the MOST accurate source. God gave us His word to live by and His son to bring us and others hope for the future. I hope that this Christmas I can read headlines through the eyes of God, putting all my trust in His plan and His care for His creation.

I am super thankful for the gift of Jesus. He is the BEST.


I will now be in Thailand until the end of July 2014! In order to continue life here for six more months than originally planned, I need to raise $3500. There is no date the money has to be in by, and I have total faith the Lord will provide because it is him who called me. Now, there is a way to give online! I was just informed by my financial director, if you would like to give via credit card you can do so:

1. Go to
2. Under the "Support" tab, click "Donate".
3. Click on the first button "Donate Now" which is linked to the "Network for Good" site. In the "I want my donation to be dedicated:" box, put "Summer Holeman."
4. That's it!

Thank you for keeping up with my time over here. I really do feel like it has just begun. May God bring us so much joy and reflection in the next few weeks!

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