John Mayer may have coined these lyrics and Hannah and Amanda may have made motions to them...but that has been the motto of the last half of my week. Through outreach in the bar district Soi Cowboy again to witnessing human brokenness...cough cough my own...I am just waiting on the Lord's redemption of his earth. Cause honestly...I got absolutely nothing.
Outreach was such a blast. I got to meet two new girlfriends and we chatted for about an hour. I got to hear a little bit of their pasts, their dreams, and their plans for later that night. I got both of their contact information and am hoping to stay in touch with at least one of them. God gave me such strength during my time at the bars. I listened to the Spirit when to speak, when to move, and when to ride the conversation out. I was so impressed with God's ability to use was very encouraging. What was more encouraging was the time of prayer and sharing the house had after outreach. I knew that I needed prayer for any spot in my hurt Satan was hiding away waiting for the perfect hour to spark fear or doubt into my soul. We prayed against these things but more importantly for the women that we met. Thursday, we waited for these same women to show up to the Well to work on their English but no one showed. We are continually praying that they will come to the Well or some other set location so we can interact with them in another setting as well as the bars.
I am definitely feeling at home here. Ok, maybe not home, but grounded. The tourist card is not flying at around every corner. I am becoming responsible for all I say and do and that has been hard. The culture thing is so challenging. I even know what not to do theoretically from anthropology classes but the best learning, even spiritual learning, is by doing sometimes. I could use some prayer for my mindset as a short term missionary. I know life here is not about me or my self-preservation, looking for just the right amount of service that I can still maintain a comfort level. No, my time here is to pour myself out. My soul has not caught up with this goal yet, if I am honest, but I want so desperately to be there. So, pray.
Today--Saturday--Hannah, Faang--a 20 year-old who works at the Well--, and I journeyed to Ayutthaya to experience the ruins and tourist attractions. It was so stinkin hot! Despite the massive sunburn to my arms that occurred while riding a bike around the city for 5 hours--yes, Summer Holeman rode a bike and only crashed once!--it was a joyful time full of elephants, smoothies, good friends, and sleeping in minibuses. We finished the night in Bangkok for KIRSTEN'S 22nd BIRTHDAY! Shout out to you love!!! We ate at this cook-your-own everything buffet complete with famous Thai comedians. It was a blast!
Thank you for all your prayers. I covet them and praise the Lord more for his grace to me this past few days. He is truly worthy of everything I have, do, and desire to be.
King's Park-Bangkok...where the crew does their running workouts. I did not have running I looked cute and walked. ha.
King's Park again.
ROTI...just another Thai food that will make me never leave this country. fried crepe with eggs, banana, chocolate sauce, and condensed milk on top. wowza.
In Ayutthaya...the ruins.
Victory Monument in Bangkok...where out bus departed from.
loving the ruins. ha.
Elephants. I was scared to be that close. I thought they were going to smack me on the head.
my mode of transport. hot.
water buffalo. hahaha.
weird fish that we pet as we watched a water show in Ayutthaya.
water show. weird.
Back in Bangkok...for Kirsten's b-day dinner.
Although Kirsten looks like she is throwing up...she did in fact love the food!
Bike extravaganza in Ayutthaya
Famous Thai comedian that told me in Thai to uncross my legs because it wasn't proper and that he was gonna steal my passport or something, while calling me "farang"...translates like "gringo" would in Spanish.